Sunday 9 December 2012

Chapter One : Business Driven Technology

Nowadays, electronics that connect to one another are found anywhere and improve technology such as Bluetooth eliminates many of the wires that clutter at homes and office.

IT’s has impact on business operations such as on reducing costs in paper and time. Before technology widely use, paper is one of the medium to deliver information. With technological development, information can be delivered in instant. With the growing technology, a company can increase productivity by promoting products through domains and nowadays a lot of people prefer to visit domains rather than go to the shop. Other than using the usual approach, it can also increase profits by increasing sales in various ways.

Information technology basics are covering in two which are Information Technology (IT) and Management Information Systems (MIS). Information Technology (IT) is related to the use of technology in managing and processing data. Its covering many filed that deal with the use of electronics computers and software to store, covert, protect, process, transmit and retrieve information securely. It is important component for company to reach business success and innovation. It cannot be useful for those who not understand unless there are the right people know how to use it effectively.

Management Information Systems (MIS) is a business function for marketing, finance, operations and human resources to collecting information and solve business problems. Basically, this MIS is business function and academic discipline covering the application of people, technologies and procedures. There are three important elements of MIS and the first important elements are data, information and business intelligence. Before it gathers as information, raw facts such as date, item number, item description, quantity ordered, customer name, shipping details are characteristics of an event and after that, the data will converted into meaningful and useful context. The information will be analyze and making efforts to support the decision. This way helps companies gain a more comprehensive knowledge of the factors affecting their business.

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